Wednesday, December 20, 2023

DEEP TALK : QNA (Bye 2023)

Random 2023 QNA before entering the new year~

Warning: Not trying to trigger anyone but this is just my current opinion on these viral questions that have been mingling around social media on 'serious-questions-for-your-partner'. HAHA

Career - Depending on the current economy, I would be so glad if my spouse gave me full support for whatever I wish to do in the future.

Religion - Religion always be a base in my marriage. Any problems that may occur along the journey should be referred back to Islamic ways.

Finance -  I don't believe in the 50/50 rule but every financial should be transparent so we can solve it together. My spouse needs to take care of the bills and I will minimize the unnecessary things.

Dream home - since I already purchased my first house, the idea of a dream house was kind of skeptical. Anything that brings comfort and happiness in a home is a dream to us. Anyway, I love Muji's concept and Scandinavian style for the next house. Minimalist to the core, own less and do more.

Political views - My parent said I would be a great political analyst in every election phase. I'm not biased toward any party and my critical thinking is quite good to be a strategic planner. HAHA. Currently, I'm volunteering to be involved in a Middle East War case as a War-Planning Analyst. phew~ Not to be biased but please educate your mind before spitting out nonsense.

Parenting style -  At first I wanted to be a cool mum like a Westerner to my kids but. As I grew older I saw so many pros and cons so maybe I can be a strict mum and my husband may be a cool dad. Asian-Islamic parenting style? HAHA

Support system - Being single at the age of 27 and living alone in another state made me realize I don't need any attachment to anything. But I'm totally wrong, I need someone to listen and comfort my anxiety. Someone who can be a support system in my peace era.

Family influence - I could say we always set a limit to the boundaries even though we share everything. Never spread any negativity among others and be considerate to the family members.

Childhood traumas - My trauma? Insecurities about being tan skin. 

Family health history - allergies (Unknown)

S*xual expectation - Surprise meh

Partner expectation - have common sense, work hard, leadership, loving and helpful.

Belief to be introduced to my kids - Moral values, humbleness, gratitude, and gentleness.

2024 here I come~ Hasbunallah wanikmal waqil

with love,

hakuna matata

Thursday, December 7, 2023


Hai semua, apa khabar? Harap sihat selalu bersama orang terchenta. 

In this post, I'm going to review a few coffee cafes that I had an opportunity to try. Each one of them has its own signature drinks and I just ordered based on their bestseller. Before this I preferred milk tea rather than coffee but after I tried their signature coffee. Wuu is not that bad. But it's too early for me to claim that I'm a coffee lover tho. Pls take note most of them are located in Terengganu.HAHA

 1. JIWA Coffee - The most famous cafe in Kuala Terengganu. They have varieties of coffee and food. I went to Jiwa during last year's CNY holiday with my bestie. Super cool place to hang out with your friends. I prefer caramel creme frap whenever I go to a coffee shop but this time the drink was quite too sweet for me. 6/10

2. XOFI Cafe. 

If you guys are food hunters this might be one of the cafes you guys should reach out to.  I ordered an iced latte for the first time (5/10) and meh because Jajat asked me to try. She has been a coffee lover since forever. Overrated. But oh goodness their pastries are so good and cute 100/10.

3. CHOC-A-CAKE Cafe.  

I went last Nov before the GE, this cafe went viral due to the location being near the beach. Ngopi sambil menikmati angin sempoi-sempoi bahasa~ And guess what the place is so underated. Jajat said the cafe belonged to her cousins. They served a lot of cakes and pastries. I tried their signature latte (8/10) and choc moist cake. 10000/10. Definitely will come again soon. I wish I could bring my mom and Mr. Puzzle too.

6. FM Greentea Latte Coffee

Last December Sam and I went to picnic at Batu Layar. On the way back home we went to Family Mart to get some refreshments and I decided to try their infamous latte. Of course, I picked the Macha green tea latte and it was too good guys! (9/10) The price was so cheap compared to other cafes and the packaging was also cute.

5. GIGI Coffee. Their buttercream latte went viral early this year. Tbh I hadn't heard of this brand before and I thought they only had franchises in the KL area. For amateur coffee drinkers like me, I kind of love this. It tastes sweet and creamy also the caffeine is not too strong.HAHA (7/10)

6. ZUS Coffee - My colleague was the one who suggested I install ZUS app and she asked me to use her code so I could enjoy a ZUS free voucher for every purchase. At that time, they just launched a new handcrafted drink which was a buttercream series. I bought a buttercream latte 3x in a row guys! The most affordable Buttercream Latte (9/10) y'all. It tastes super creamy and not too sweet. 

7. Miafin Coffee - Dah lama nak try this new cafe around Kota Masai tapi tak ada geng yang suka kopi. Yihh sejak bila yayadoe suka berteman. So last month I decided to ask my colleagues untuk lunch dekat sana and they said yes. Finally! I ordered an Asian Dolce latte with add-on whipped cream. It tastes like a classic latte, ummm soft and sweet with light espresso roast. (7/10)


8. Nasken Coffee - Roasted hazelnut latte

Been eyeing this cafe quite a while, kalau pergi KTCC mall mesti nampak Nasken Coffee dulu sebelum kedai lain. vibes starbies sangat. luls. Nothing fancy, I only grab a hazelnut roasted latte since their Spanish latte sold out. HUHU 5/10. 

9. Mc Cafe's Latte

Almost forgot to renew my license this year. HUHU Nasib baik UTC dekat dengan rumah and less than 1 hour sudah settle. On the way back to the office I went to McD bcos I missed their mcmuffin and iced latte. *redeem promo 50% off* feeling extra wiser girls. Of course, I bought them before the Boycott Isr*al thingy. No worries

10. Cafe Amazon Coffee - Greentea latte


Lastly, Amazon Cafe! Everyone said your itinerary list wouldn't be complete without this cafe. One of the most famous cafes in Thailand. They have so many chains around  Thailand and I got my Greentea latte at Songkla during Nov trip this year. 10/10 for the drinks and 100000/10 for the Songkla Beach view.

My top picks...hmmmm I guess Zus & Amazon Coffee! My least favorite would be Xofi~ 

with love,


Saturday, September 16, 2023

Selflove, Selfcare & Healthcare - Happy Birthday


Hi, dear self

Being 27 y/o isn’t easy right? The pressure keeps coming from various ways to test you.

I’m not going to tell you any supportive words bcos you know our toxic trait- is never-freaking-give-up. Whatever happens, just chill & be patient. Happy Birthday my dear self and in case you feel unenergized these days, here are some tips that may cherish you my future self. 

-Keep on reading your favorite books and listen to the morning podcast (KHB) to polish your inner peace.

-Diet plan IF. I know it sounds weird but trust me girl, detox is the best way to stay sane! HAHA

-Meal plan for a week. In order to save your time and money, we have to prep our meals early. It is your time to play around with the recipe and explore a new home-cooking meal recipe (reference: che nom)

- Glowing tips are a must because we have 3 more years to hit 30th girl! - Don't skip retinol in your skincare routine. Eat more veggies (ulam), honey, green tea, prebiotics, and pomegranate (good for women's health)

- Be minimalist and declutter all unnecessary items. 

- Plan a travel schedule to save more cost while traveling outside Malaysia.

- Never give up on your life. I know you have been feeling down since last week. Trust me, everything is going to end up well. If that is written for you no one can stop that. *plays satu-satu by Idgitaf*

Bucket List

* Travel - Thailand, Indonesia, Singapore, Vietnam, Brunei, Japan, Korea etc

* Financial savings

* Hit 49 Kgs 

* Get married? Doakan saya. Amin

* Umrah

With love & Hakuna Matata,

Yaya Doe

Monday, August 21, 2023

Chapter 13 : Alter



Adam Zuhair POV

“Ada apa-apa lagi yang nak Adam tolong?” Tangannya lincah mencuci piring terakhir di dalam sinki.

“Terima  kasih Adam, banyak tolong mak tun dan Diana. Pandai mak kamu didik kamu. Ringan tulang.” Puji Mak Tun. Kehadiran Adam dalam rumah agam yang suram bagai membawa sinar baru.

Mak. Jiwanya bagai tersedar, mesti mak rindu nak dengar suara anak teruna dia. Sudah berminggu-minggu dia terperangkap dalam rumah ni tanpa menghubungi sesiapa.

“Mak Tun, saya nak check keadaan Diana kejap ya.” Kakinya dihayun ke tingkat atas. Sampai di depan pintu bilik Diana dia kembali teragak-agak untuk mengetuk pintu.

Semalam aku teman cik Diana hampir pukul 3 pagi di ruang membaca. Leka sekali dia menghabiskan buku bacaannya yang setebal buku rujukan biologi, sambil aku menconteng pelbagai corak diatas kertas a4 di meja panjang di tengah bilik. Amber, Ainul Mardhiah, Shasha dan err apa alter yang lagi satu?

Sekali imbas, Diana nampak normal seperti wanita diluar sana namun kelakuan spontan wanita itu susah untuk Adam membaca apa yang sedang difikirkan oleh pesakitnya itu.

“Ehem, termenung apa tu abang?” Adam tersentak dari lamunan lalu menoleh kebelakang. Keningnya terangkat.

“Saya? Abang?” Adam kembali menyoal sosok yang terpacak tegak didepannya.

“Sayang baru mandikan anak kita, nanti Tiara masak makanan kesukaan abang ya” Bibirnya tak lekang dengan senyuman sambil tangan kiri menggendong ‘bayi’ yang diselimuti dengan kain putih.

Tiara. Satin long dress.

Adam cuba untuk mengawal raut wajahnya. Otaknya ligat memikirkan alter yang baru ditemui ini. Matanya melirik kearah balutan kain yang dipeluk erat oleh Diana atau Tiara.

“Kenapa abang diam? Abang marah Tia lagi pasal kes itu hari?” Matanya bergenang.

“Tak, abang tak marah Tiara” Adam mengambil langkah selamat. Risau jika alter baru ini bertindak diluar jangkaannya.

Tiara kembali tersenyum gembira. Tiara menarik tangan Adam untuk mengikutinya ke tingkat tiga rumah Agam. Entah berapa buah bilik dalam rumah Agam ni pun aku malas nak kira. Bilik tersebut berada dihujung sekali dan pintu dibuka oleh Tiara dan Adam hanya diam memerhati.

Bilik tersebut penuh dengan barangan bayi dan anak-anak patung. Tiara meletakkan ‘bayi’ nya ke dalam baby cot.

Kemudian Tiara menolak Adam kearah katil.

“Err cik Dia…er Tiara nak buat apa ni” Tiara cuba membuka zip belakang dressnya yang labuh ke lantai. Adam dah telan air liur.

‘Biar betul, dia ingat aku suami dia yang sah ke?’

Adam cuba bangun namun ditolak kembali oleh Tiara.

“Tiara, saya…er abang rasa tak sihat” Adam menolak Tiara yang cuba untuk merangkulnya dan menciumnya.

‘Aku teruna lagi woi’

“Abang sudah tak sayang saya sebab itu abang taknak sentuh saya selepas saya bersalin?!” Matanya kembali bergenang. Adam menepuk dahinya, drama apa ini?

“Bukan macam tu, saya sebenarnya bukan suami cik Tiara.” Jawab Adam tenang.

Tiba-tiba Tiara menangis.

“Sampai hati abang ceraikan saya!” Tiara menangis tersedu sedan. Dibaling semua barang-barang disekitarnya. Adam cuba meredakan Tiara namun raungan makin kuat.

Tiba-tiba ketukan keras kedengaran dari luar bilik.

“Adam buka pintu!”

Adam cuba bangun kearah pintu namun Tiara segera menahan.

“Jangan buka nanti mereka ikat saya”

“Dr.Adam tolong buka pintu sekarang!” Suara Encik Qais kedengaran dari luar.

“Adam buka pintu, itu Ainul Mardhiah ke?” Mak Tun diluar sudah siap menjinjit telekung dan jubah.

“Panggil lagi semua yang berada diluar, it might be 01 (Amber) in the room” Arah salah seorang dari bodyguard Diana.

“Cik Tiara bawa bertenang saya tak akan biarkan mereka apa-apa cik. Percaya dekat saya” Tiara memeluk Adam.

 With love & Hakuna Matata,

Yaya Doe

Thursday, July 6, 2023



Yaya Doe POV -

Dia bukan seorang yang sempurna, namun dia seorang jejaka yang terus berusaha menjadi lelaki versi terbaik untuk dirinya sendiri. Tanpa dia sedar, dia memberiku semangat untuk terus hidup dan belajar untuk menyayangi diriku sendiri. Tanpa dia sedar, jiwaku yang mati kembali hidup tenang di dalam ruang kama. Dia sering berkata dirinya malang kerana sering ditinggalkan. Adakah lukanya lebih besar dari lukaku? Mampukah aku membantu mengubatinya? Sebagaimana dia membantuku untuk terus kuat melawan sakit lukaku. Dan mampukah aku menjadi ketenangan untuk jiwanya yang kosong?

Tipu sekiranya hati ini tidak terpesona melihat kepribadian si dia. Namun mindaku jelas menentang sebarang tindakan di luar kawalan. Mindaku cuba menidakkan segala perasaan yang terbuku dihati namun renjana hati merayu agar mempercayainya buat kesekian kalinya. Ternyata renjana hati berjaya menggali cebisan aksara penglipur lara yang sudah 10 tahun diabaikan.

Saban hari diriku kembali terasa sesak menahan desakan manusia yang ingin  menyakiti hati. Mereka bertanya apa yang aku inginkan? Bagiku cukup seseorang yang memahamiku dan memberi ketenangan bagi jiwaku yang kacau bilau. Mereka berkata aku terlalu memilih dan cerewet dalam membuat keputusan hidup. Adakah bagi mereka alam perkahwinan itu suatu perkara yang remeh? Adakah itu menjadi suatu kelemahan atau kegagalan untuk ku sekiranya lambat untuk melangkah ke alam itu? 

Mungkin Tuhan memberi kami waktu bagi memperkuatkan lagi hati ini untuk melaluinya pada waktu yg tepat. Jadi aku tidak berputus asa mendoakan yang terbaik untuknya. Semoga dia juga terus bersemangat membantu orang yang memerlukan dan bekerja keras demi masa depan kami bersama. Hanya dia yang mampu membuatku tenang, selamat & nyaman. Sekiranya dia ikhlas ingin bersama dengan ku, sedarlah bahawa doaku akan selalu berada disetiap langkahnya.

With love & Hakuna Matata,

Yaya Doe

Wednesday, June 7, 2023



Tanpa sedar sudah 10 tahun berlalu. Aku termenung seketika, cuba untuk mengimbas kembali segala apa yang berlaku. Kosong. Seolah-olah aku ditimpa amnesia dan dicampak ke dalam dunia baru dimana aku dengan rela hati mengikut arus manusia menjalani kehidupan.

Kadang aku tertanya-tanya dimana semangat aku yang dulu? Adakah ini dinamakan krisis umur 20an. Aku kembali membaca oldest posts sambil berbisik ‘mana kau belajar melantun kata-kata cringe ni?!’. Sumpah jari jemariku yang sekarang sudah kaku untuk berkerjasama kembali dengan imaginasi mindaku. Seolah-oleh pintunya sudah dikunci rapat dan kunci dibaling jauh ke dalam Laut China Selatan.

Sungguh rasa terkilan kerana pada awal 20an, aku hilang ditelan pusaran taufan katrina tanpa sebarang posts. Jelas sekali aku leka dalam dunia yang sia-sia tanpa memikirkan kesan terhadap masa depan aku. Kata orang, setiap yang hadir dalam hidup kita takkan hadir tanpa kebenaranNYA. Itu yang cuba aku ingatkan setiap kali ada manusia cuba untuk mencabar tahap kesabaranku yang jelas senipis kulit bawang.

Satu kebetulan atau suratan? Dia hadir saat jiwaku nyaris mati. Tuhan mengerti isi hati hambaNYA yang mati rasa untuk melayan karenah manusia. Muak dengan kata-kata manis manusia yang tersembunyi beribu kebohongan. Kedua kakiku seolah-olah patah, maka hati memujuk diri yang sudah tidak terdaya, berjalan perlahan mengikuti gerak langkah si dia ke ruang yang baru.

Tanpa dia sedar, aku kembali menyayangi diri sendiri tanpa sebarang jangkaan. Dia seakan diam mengerti bahawa aku pekak badak untuk mendengar suaranya maka  hanya perbuatannya mencuri perhatianku. Sekiranya aku batu, dia adalah kayu. Sumpah, dia too impossible to read. Tanpa sebab yang kukuh dia tetap setia bersama dengan aku. Kerana dia, aku pula tanpa sedar menggali aksara-aksara afeksi bagi menambat hatinya.

Seandainya dia tahu, perbuatan tersebut amatlah mustahil untuk aku lakukan kerana sifat kurang keyakinan dalam hal chenta dan takut kepada rejection sangat menebal dalam diri aku. Dia sering menguji sejauh mana kepribadianku. Kadang aku pun tertanya-tanya ‘Adakah aura kamanya mengubah aku menjadi versi yang berbeza?’ Mungkin.

Namun semakin lama aku memendam perasaan, makin terasa sakit. Aku bukanlah seorang yang teragak-agak untuk berkata-kata apabila ingin mengemukakan sesuatu. Tetapi apabila berdepan dengannya, susunan ayat bagai hilang dihembus angin Monsun Timur Laut. Cliché

Akibatnya, aku kembali on prescription sambil melangkah dengan perlahan menyusuri terowong hatinya. 

With love & Hakuna Matata,

Yaya Doe

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Sephora Haul 2023



I'm kind of excited about this post. My first ever Sephora haul with my own money.  I finally pull the trigger guys! It's been 5 months since the purchase and I have been testing the product so here is my review. 

Firstly, I bought sanitizer...HAHA. Not on my wishlist but I get it since why not? But meh BBW hand gel is much better. Oh, It has a watermelon scent in it other than that nothing special. Next, Anastasia's brow studio kit, I read so many good reviews about it and the texture is so creamy and easy to use for beginners. It comes with 3 items - pencil, dip brow & gel. 8/10 Worth it.

Subsequently, I'm looking for high-end mascara and Tarte is probably the one that caught my eye. All the OGs MUA gurus in yt have it. I finally get my hands on the holiday limited edition! Ugh, the mascara is quite nice, not clumpy so ever and the packaging feels expensive. HAHA

Nevertheless, I gave 7/10 for Tarte mascara and I also tried their mini eyeshadow pallet. The size was so compact and easy to travel with. I love the warm neutral tone color for an everyday makeup look so I would repurchase again 10/10.

If you guys follow any Makeup account on tiktok, this is one of their 'racun tiktok'. Beware! I never thought I would buy Dior since the price is quite pricey but the hype is so intense and they said the bestseller highlighter that you guys will not regret! I agreed! 1000/10. Dior Backstage highlighters so cantekk, korang akan rasa extra IT GIRL with classy vibes ala-ala Jisoo BP. Luls.

Lastly, I'm looking for loose powder and everyone vote for laura Mercier but I accidentally saw an MUA recommended the Huda Beauty loose powder. She said grab it bcos the result is the bomb. Yeszz the powder works very well with my skin. I set my foundation with it and during Hari Raya, my cousin asks me for the skincare tips bcos my skin are looking extra smooth! HAAHHA issaa magic powder. 10000000/10.

With love & Hakuna Matata,

Yaya Doe

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

2023 - MY YEAR?


2023 Vision Board

Hello peeps,


Kemain title my year yaaa. 

little life updates plus my 2023 resolutions.

Basically, I last saw Mr. Puzzle 6 months ago. But we still communicate thru status tho.HAHA

and suddenly, on 1 Jan 2023, he came to meet me for our 6th date. Oh my. It's awkward. We last talked 6 months ago. This year I still crushing on him. HAHA

I asked about his resolution this year and he said 'Kahwin Kot'. Speechless. That's why I confidently put 'get married' on my vision board. LOL

This year I get older (27 still young lei), and I just want to say to my 17 y/o me. Everything is fine, no need to worry too much if your journey does not align with your friends. Keep on believing one day everything that I always prayed for will definitely come. Always be humble and gentle with people even though you don't like people. Keep our moodiness aside and take it, easy girl.HAHA

1. Investment

2. Saving 

3. Self-care

4. Affiliates/Content creator

5. Weightloss 55kgs (Yoga/Pilates/Home workout)

Wish me luck!

With love & Hakuna Matata,

Yaya Doe