Tuesday, January 24, 2023

2023 - MY YEAR?


2023 Vision Board

Hello peeps,


Kemain title my year yaaa. 

little life updates plus my 2023 resolutions.

Basically, I last saw Mr. Puzzle 6 months ago. But we still communicate thru status tho.HAHA

and suddenly, on 1 Jan 2023, he came to meet me for our 6th date. Oh my. It's awkward. We last talked 6 months ago. This year I still crushing on him. HAHA

I asked about his resolution this year and he said 'Kahwin Kot'. Speechless. That's why I confidently put 'get married' on my vision board. LOL

This year I get older (27 still young lei), and I just want to say to my 17 y/o me. Everything is fine, no need to worry too much if your journey does not align with your friends. Keep on believing one day everything that I always prayed for will definitely come. Always be humble and gentle with people even though you don't like people. Keep our moodiness aside and take it, easy girl.HAHA

1. Investment

2. Saving 

3. Self-care

4. Affiliates/Content creator

5. Weightloss 55kgs (Yoga/Pilates/Home workout)

Wish me luck!

With love & Hakuna Matata,

Yaya Doe